Friday, January 06, 2006

Want Ad

WANTED: HANDCUFFS, size 12-18 months. To AID in the prevention of slapping, pinching, pulling hair, fingers up the nose, object breaking and many other acts too numerous to name.
Will pay top dollar. Call 225-STOP-CAT5.


Anonymous said...

Im sorry, the number you dialed is no longer in service.. please try again! ;)

Sarah said...

LOL, I know what you mean, that would be my Anna when she was that age, come to think of it, I should also request size 4 girls preferably pink?

Fern Bourrie said...

LOL, that brings back memories of when my kids were that age!

Christa said...

He's too cute to not forgive even the most heinous of acts.

tara said...

uh,oh.... is this what i have to look forward to? :) -tara

*love* his little shirt too!

Mise en Place said...

Oh man. Just look at that face and you just KNOW he needs to be in handcuffs.

He is adorable.

chesneygirl said...

If you get any calls find out if they have a second set, if so, send them my way...I could definately use a pair too!! :)

Cindy N. said...

I would just love to squeeze him! He looks squeezably soft, but full of mischief!

Anonymous said...

hahhahahahahaa this post is just a hoot!!!! i feel ya on this one!!!! i got the kid who shoves his hand down my shirt :( one minute they are giving you the biggest bear hug and doing something super cute, the next minute they are ready to throw down!!!! your kiddo is a cutie pie for sure!!!!!!!!

still_figuring_out said...

LOL. hilarious!

Laurie said...

Let me know if you find a pair. I need one in a 2 year old size...

Carrie Guevara said...

LOL! I feel your pain. I'm still trying to find a pair of those myself! I wonder if a Chinese finger puzzle would work? Hmmm....

DaniGirl said...

Ugh. Send 'em over here when you find a pair, okay?