Sunday, January 01, 2006

New Year's Rockin' Eve on the Driveway!

We had a quiet (so to speak) little New Years Celebration, just Mark, the kids and my mom. We shot some firecrackers so here are a few pics. John M. LOVED it; I thought he may be scared but that little boy proved me wrong. He even wanted to hold the sparklers. Maybe next year. The girls love fireworks any day, any time. They'd keep the fireworks stores in business, if we'd let them.

Hope everyone had a great New Year's. I know you wish you could have joined us on the driveway in Pointe Coupee Parish, but hey, it's only so big.
Peace out.


Mise en Place said...

Looks like lots of fun. Maybe you have to make a bigger driveway, lol!

beki said...

Your evening was more exciting than mine. We had no need for fireworks with everyone around us shooting them off. Happy New year!

Mary Tsao said...

Happy New Year! Love the pic of your daughter holding your son.

Hope 2006 is a good one for you and your family!

Cindy N. said...

Such cute pictures. Thank you for putting a smile on my face. I agree, you need a bigger driveway!

MarkD60 said...

Cool pics!
wishing you health happiness and prosperity this new year and always!!

chesneygirl said...

Fireworks on New Years??? Never heard of such a thing!
Our driveway is covered in inches of snow...not possible up here :(


Anonymous said...

Ohhhhhhhhhh the pressure... damn!