Monday, January 02, 2006

Hoping for Mark's genes

This is the first year that the girls' school has offered a band class for the kids. It runs from 3rd-6th grade, with an option for 2nd graders to take part in a 'pre-band'. The children are given the choice of playing the saxophone, flute, trombone, or drums. Anna chose to play the flute (see her holding said instrument here at a Christmas concert). Emma is learning on a recorder (I think it's called a flutophone . . I'm definitely going to have to spellcheck that one).

We had the opportunity to go to this concert a couple of weeks ago. Emma was sick that day so Anna was our only musician in attendance. The older kids didn't play any actual songs, just short lessons that they've been learning, to help them to learn to read music and practice simple notes. Now, I know NONE of this, never having played an instrument. Mark plays guitar, but cannot read music. He just plays everything by ear. So, I was instantly impressed solely by the fact that they could read music. Both of the girls come home on Wednesdays after music class and are so excited to show us what they've learned. I'm amazed at how fast they catch on.

The little Christmas concert was great. We had a chance to be introduced to their music instructor, an older man that has been teaching music for over 30 years and has a genuine love for it, and the patience of a saint! The lessons had some good notes, and plenty of 'clunkers', and the kids were so proud to show off what they had learned. I hope the music program lasts and I hope the girls stick with it. Mark and his brothers are all musically inclined, so the girls have a shot at it somewhere in their genetic makeup. As for me, I'll just be sitting here, taking it all in, waiting to smother them with hugs when the performance is done.


chesneygirl said...

That's fantastic!! I played the violin for 5 years...5th thru 9th grade and learned sooo much....I wish all the time I had never quit...I LOVED it!!

My little one is VERY much into music...looking into enrolling him into some type of class for toddlers.

Anonymous said...

I wish I played something in school besides the recorder!

Sarah said...

I wish Mary's school offered a band class. She'll have to wait until JR. High, 6th grade. Oh well, maybe our rules will change.

Daisy Mae said...

Christmas concerts are the best, aren't they? Lil Miss had hre first this year and it was so much fun to go and embarrass her by snapping far too many photos.

The music thing can be additive. My oldest two took music in school and each year would change to a different instrument. They went through Obe, Viola, Violin, Drms, Guitar, Clarinet, Flute and Piano. The eldest works for a pipe organ company now and tunes the pipe organ at the National Cathedral in DC twice a year. My youngest started with the guitar and stuck with it. I can't play a thing so they didn't get it from me. I swear it was all music class.

beki said...

I was in band from 5th-12th grade. I cringe thinking of all the band concerts and half time performances my family had to sit through, though I'm sure that if my kiddos take up an instrument I'll love it.