Monday, January 02, 2006

Getting our shop on

My mom and I decided to take the girls and Cat. 5 to the mall today. What was I thinking? I don't know, but I had received a gift card for $25 for Christmas and like all 10-year olds, it was burning a hole. I really needed to get the girls some warm-up pants for their upcoming basketball games. So we set off, with only one problem. I.forgot.the.stroller. What does this mean? My mom and I have to take turns holding Cat. 5, or at least trying to contain him in a given store perimeter for a set amount of time. He.didn'

He's entranced by the mall. He loves looking around and hooking up with people he totally doesn't know. He can dart behind a clothes rack like nobody's business, and rip apart $38 costume jewelry like a pro (I found this out at Talbot's today). Did I 'fess' up and pay for it? SURE, I did. ;^) It wasn't attractive anyway. They can just call it a loss.

We survived with Cat. 5 for about 2 hours and then we let reality take hold and got the hell out of Dodge. I did get the pants for the girls though (thanks to a Gap Kids sale) and my mom got her birthday present from Talbots, while John M. reduced their inventory significantly with no profit. Anna and Emma bought more lip gloss than Donna Summer . . Mick Jagger . . who's that other huge-lipped celebrity??! . . oh yeah, Lisa Rinna. That chickaletto has some big, collagen-enhanced lips, doesn't she. Anyway, I digress. Let's just put it this way. They bought enough lip gloss to choke a chicken.

We're back, the kids are in bed, and it's back to our regular schedule of school, daycare, and work tomorrow. Let's all say it together, 'UGH!'.


tara said...

hi renee! sorry this is the first time i've had a chance to stop by your blog. i've only read your first post so far, and you've got me rolling! i am totally with you on getting back to normal tomorrow! yeah for routines, or atleast having a game plan! :) thanks again for visiting my blog, come back anytime!

chesneygirl said...


Mathieu said...

Well those lips are something...

I wonder how they feel?


Anonymous said...

A big UGH over here too!

beki said...

What is the deal with lip gloss? Has John M. eaten any yet? There are so many tubes laying around my house that Alex can't help but find them and help himself. Ugh!

I don't know how you survived the mall without a stroller. Pure torture.