Wednesday, January 25, 2006

How to get the 'skunk-eye' from a Coonass man in no time flat.

While at a high school basketball game . .

(note: the Stingerettes are the dance team at the girls' school. They are named 'Stinger'ettes because the school mascot is the Hornet and they wear little fancy, glittery dance outfits.)

John M.'s intently watching the basketball players go up and down the court. He's leaned over the bleachers and studying them.

Me: Mark, look at John.

Mark: Yep, he's thinking 'that's gonna be me one day'.

Later, at halftime as the soundtrack to Grease was being played and Emma and company were dancing. John M. is dancing like there's no tomorrow, wiggling his butt and waving his arms in the air, while closely watching the girls dance.

Me: Um, Mark, I think we have a Stingerette on our hands, rather than a basketball player.

All I get from Mark is the skunk eye.

Geez . .


JeepGirl said...

I love the way dad's only want to think of their boys playing football, basketball and baseball. Mine's the same way, preaching to his three sons all the cool football language. BUT I"m a sport nut myself, played high school basketball etc. We have one daughter, age 13 now, and I always preached that she wasn't gonna be a cheerleader. My husband kept telling me that she can be whatever she wants to be and we have to let her choose. Well that just bugged me. Needless to say, in my own way, I tried to turn her onto sports. I let her take cheerleading camp, which she didn't like after the second year (whew) and is now one of the star players for the volleyball and basketball teams. I'll have to post some pictures of my athlete.

I think little kids dancing in the bleachers to the bands music is so darn cute. My 1 year old boy does it too.

chesneygirl said...

HA! This is too funny cause we just took Adam to his first high school basketball game last week and he took more interest in the cheerleaders than the players also!
And he was dancing to their music too! And my husband didn't find it as cute as I did either.

But OF COURSE they're so much alike...their mom's are twins, seperated at birth!! :)

Veronica said...


Anonymous said...


Cindy N. said...

Men! Gotta love em! The problem is those sweet little boogers we love so much when they are little boys, grow up and turn into ..... MEN!

DebbieDoesLife said...

Is that your husband?? He's very cute - for a coonass.

When I first read your post I thought it said "Stinkerettes". The saying "only in Louisiana" crossed my mind.

Fern Bourrie said...

LOL! I can picture it now!! That's too funny!!!

Sarah said...

Yep, that would be Jason! Well actually, he does that with the girls! He would love for all of them to be Tom Boys!

BTW, your husband is very handsome!

Mary Tsao said...

My husband gets all worked up when my little guy walks around with a purse on his arm. I think it's so cute! Keep dancing, John M!

Mise en Place said...

Too funny! Yeah, the Daddy's get all freaked out about stuff like that, it makes me laugh!

Yeah, at our school we were the War Eagles, so naturally we were the Eaglette, lol.

still_figuring_out said...

lol. i enjoy reading short anecdotes such as thing :)

MarkD60 said...

I'd give you the stinkeye too for that comment!

Anonymous said...

You should see how I freaked out when Mrs used to paint the boy's nails!

Carrie said...

LOL! Men are definitely less lenient about gender roles with boys than girls! I remember when Margaret was born and Brian said "I don't know what to do with girls." My reply: "Anything you can do with a boy."

John M. will be fine, no matter if he decides to dance or play basketbacll. :D

Renee Nefe said...

That's cute, but kiddos are more attracted to music than mindless sports. Hee hee

I love comments too fefyfomanna: thursday thirteen...the comment whore one ;o)

BTW: Hi Renee! I'm Renee too and I grew up in Benton, weird is that?

Krisco said...

I thought it was funny!

My girlfriend in LA calls it: the stink eye. : )

DaniGirl said...

LOL, Renee, I get such a cultural lesson every time I visit your blog!!

My husband was not impressed to walk into the room the other day to find me painting my son's toes with glittery purple nail polish, but Tristan loves it so much he keeps whipping his socks off to show people. Just remind me not to leave my lipstick lying around!