Sunday, November 27, 2005

Stalking myself

I'm convinced that out of my 546 profile views since starting this blog, 539 of them have been me, checking the count.


Laurie said...

You DO know that you can have the counter ignore your visits, right??? Right??? Believe me, my count would be SO much higher if I didn't do that.

Anonymous said...

Should I admit I do that as well?

chesneygirl said...

I do it too!! :)

CozyMama said...

I am a comment whore too! Not trying to call you a whore, just what I call myself because I love comments!!! HA HA!!! You should get a counter on your blog page and you can set it to not count your visits, then you know how many people are really checking you out.

Mary Tsao said...

It is kind of (okay, very) addicting to see how much cyber-love you're getting. Another thing to obsess over is Google Page Rank.

Cindy N. said...

I didn't even know I COULD look at that! Thanks for giving me more to obsess over! LOL