Wednesday, December 28, 2005

If you want Christmas pictures, don't look here.

I didn't take one Christmas picture this year. Not one. Why, you ask? Because I'm a bad mother and Christmas was so crazy with everything, I didn't bring my camera anywhere. I do like to share a good picture though so here's an oldie but goodie from 4 years ago, wee Anna and wee-wee Pearl. I found it on my PC last week and just had to share it because they both should win an award for cuteness. Don't you think?

Christmas was great. The girls had a great time opening all of their loot. I ended up spilling the beans to Anna about Santa because I screwed up on two of her 'Santa' gifts and put the wrong name (one Emma and one John M.). She looked very suspicious and she had every right to be. I told her about Santa a little while later and she took it well. She said she suspected it, but she was afraid she wouldn't get any gifts if she let on that she knew. So, that's that.

1 nosy 10-year-old + 1 scatterbrained mom = THERE IS NO SANTA!.

So, now the stress of Christmas is over and a new year is about to begin. Look out, 2006, here we come.


Krisco said...

Yes, they should both get awards for super cuteness! They are both adorable. The baby more than the kitty of course... : )

Happy belated Christmas to you too!! :) Sounds like it was great, and happy new year too!

Sarah said...

Well, you took to little, and I took too many! I used to be bad with remembering my camera, but after much scolding from my in-laws, I remember now! Your Anna looks just beautiful with her kitty in that picture. Happy New Year!

Mary Tsao said...

Cute picture! I agree that 10 is an okay age to find out that there's no Santa. OR really, to find out that Santa is mommy. I'm sure I was younger than that. Good job, mom!

chesneygirl said...

Glad you had a good Christmas!
I kept forgetting my camera too! I'll have to get doubles from the grandmas.

Cute picture! :)

Mise en Place said...

OK. They both get my vote for the cutness award.

I love that your daughter held out letting on that she knew, JUST in case. Great!

radiantbear said...

ha ha that was funny, being from India I always knew tat my parents got me Gifts... :)

I dint take an pictures this christmas either:((

Nice blog mom!

Laurie said...

Oh, God! Mark took a MILLION pictures! We have about 10 of Anthony opening EACH GIFT!

Glad you had a good Christmas!

DaniGirl said...

Eh, 10 is a good age to find out. And now she can have fun helping keep the secret from the other kids. I loved that about being the big sister!

Glad you and your family had a nice Christmas, or at least you SAID you had a nice Christmas and without pictures we'll never know the truth!!

Anonymous said...

gYou have pictures in your mind!

still_figuring_out said...

it is a cute picture ;)

happy new year to you and your family, renee!

Mise en Place said...

FINALLY! I've done my tag. Sorry it took so long. :):)

Cindy N. said...

Ok, everyone above was so forgiving about the no pics...not me. I think you should be whipped. Especially since this was John's first REAL Christmas! I am just kidding, you know I always pick on you about this kind of stuff. Love yu Renee...