Thursday, December 08, 2005

Before she was the cream in the oreo

Here's little mini-Emma; she was 3 in this picture. She's holding mini-Pearl, how cute are they both? Even down to the little bruised leg. She was my baby back then. Little did I know that in 4 years, she would be my 'middle'. Emma had a few Jan Brady issues about not being the youngest, nor the oldest. She liked the 'baby' position in the family. And I can't blame her; that was my family position and it was a good one.

The girls love to watch reruns of 'Full House' and there's an episode about Stephanie, the middle daughter, not wanting to be in the middle. They tell her that many of the best things in life are in the middle, the meat of a sandwich, the cream in the oreo, etc. I reminded Em of this and I think it helped . . a little. I still have to remind her sometimes how lucky she is to have a taste of both worlds. Being an older sister, and a younger one, all at the same time.

So, she was the chocolate back then in 2000, but now she's my cream.

And she's going to be 8 years old tomorrow. As I always say, how did THAT happen?


Anonymous said...

8 years ago getting induced....mean doctors, breathing monitors; seems like yesterday. I think Roodie is a keeper

beki said...

Time sure does fly.

Anonymous said...

I just was thinking this last night and A is only 4.

Mise en Place said...

What a sweet post. A great way to explain being in the middle. GREAT! I have just the two chocolate ends and if I end up with creme, I'll be flippin' OUT! lol

Fabulous post!

Carrie Guevara said...

Yep, three and four are definitely my favorite ages! :)

chesneygirl said...

Aaaaaww...what a great analogy Renee!
I've never seen that episode of Full House.

Julie Marsh said...

That picture is adorable! Happy early birthday to Emma.

Anonymous said...

I came to your blog by way of Suz. Your kids are cuties and I love baby butts too! =)

still_figuring_out said...

aww...cute. :) happy birthday to your cream :)

Mary Tsao said...

Sweet! Happy Birthday to Emma.