Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Are you thinking 'this can't be good'?

You'd be right.
He dragged it from the bathroom into the living room, then to the kitchen.
He has a love affair with toilet paper.
Little tree killer.

Wal-Mart is loving me.


Anonymous said...

Amazing what fasinates kids!

Drywall Mom said...

I agree with erin.

Anonymous said...

Between TP and empty boxes it's a wonder we need to buy toys!

Mise en Place said...

How cute he is. And he's standing there looking at it like "Hey, how did this stuff get out here....I think it belongs in the bathroom."


Beth said...

How sweet...yeah TP goes fast anyways...and even more so when that happens...but a least he had some fun!!

tara said...

too funny!! greyson has learned the fun of unrolling the tp while mommy's is in the shower... the surprises never end!! :)

Krisco said...

That's hilarious.

Speckledpup said...

but he's just so darned cute!

go easy on him, mom.

Fern Bourrie said...

Now you know what to get him for his birthday!! :)

Nicki said...

My youngest has this obsession too. I usually just wad it all up, sit it on the side of the sink, and tell everyone to use it before they get more off the roll. LOL

momto3blessings said...

How cute is that? He is adorable. I think most kids go through this. During this phase i just make sure we have a ton stocked up so they can go crazy!

Trina said...

Tree killer...hahaha
All my boys are past that right now, but Roman's day is coming I am sure..lOl

MarkD60 said...

I thought only cats did that...

Anonymous said...

Spare a square?

DebbieDoesLife said...

It could be worse. Markers, paint, mama's nice jewelry.....

DaniGirl said...

Yah, us too. Simon has recently flushed two washcloths, a quarter, and a piece of lego. But I can't lock the door, because Tristan needs to get in. Sigh!

chesneygirl said...

Fortunately, A has never done this (yet...knock on wood).
I have this thing about keeping him away the toilet and toilet area so he really hasn't had an opportunity but I'm sure if he had one he'd be ALL over it!

Cute, funny picture! :)

Lala's world said...

ok I had one that had a love affair with toilet paper too!! to funny!

Greta Adams said...

see and you thought you needed all the latest fisher price toys...a roll of ass paper will suffice...BWHAHAHAHA