Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Way Back Wednesday

Circa 2001.

No, that's not a pack of cigs I have poking out of my pocket.

No, I've not doing heavy drugs; I just looked a little dazed.

Yes, those are 2 cute little girls.

Yes, those are 2 wooden fish hanging on my cabinets. A Mark purchase.

Notice, too, the red spider lilies behind us. I love those.


Greta Adams said...

bwhahaha girl i know that is cigs hanging out your pocket...tee hee...and definitly 2 beautiful girls....stay off the drugs would ya? (giggling)

Drywall Mom said...

It's a pack of tissue. That's what it looks like to me.

DebbieDoesLife said...

Cute pic. How way back is it? Back when you were smoking I guess.

chesneygirl said...

So cute!!

Anna looks so much like you!! I've always noticed it but I REALLY notice it in this picture.

Carrie Guevara said...

I am really starting to look forward to these little flashbacks! BTW: What the heck was that in your pocket anyways? ;)

Mise en Place said...

Look how sweet you all are. You do however look a little bit like you had one too many hits on the pipe. LOL!!

Renee said...

It was tissue! Not cigarettes. Geez. I know it looks like I was doing a little crack, but maybe I was just way tired. This is how most pictures of me look . . just wrong!

Anonymous said...

A liitle dazed??? lol

still_figuring_out said...

lovely picture :)

Julie Marsh said...

Renee, I could tell that it was tissues. And you all look so beautiful. You don't look dazed - just a little tired.

Those girls are so beautiful that I had to say it twice.

Veronica said...

I just love your hair. It looks thick and shiny. Would you like to trade? My long, curly hair for your shiny, thick hair?