Thursday, February 09, 2006

Longing for Spring ..

I wasn't sure what to post about this morning, so I started looking through pics I have on my PC. I found this one from three years ago. It was March and the grass was so green, but some of the trees were still bare. The girls LOVE to sell lemonade, and the weather starts getting warm, he head out to do just that.

Just looking at the picture makes me long for Spring, and warm weather, and green grass and my phlox blooming! March is next month, right? I can make it!


MarkD60 said...

I looked at that picture and thought they were bigger than that. Then I read that it was from 3 years ago. I wouldn't be able to drive past without buying some lemonade!

Anonymous said...

gSales look slow! ;)

Drywall Mom said...

Only 10 Cents? They need to bump that price up to at least 25 cents. The next time that they do it have them cell strawberry lemonade or rasberry lemonade and cell it for a $1. They would make a killing on it and would love making it in the blender.

Lala's world said...

I just walked my student to school this morning and noticed that I have some color appearing in my front garden me very excited!

Kimmy said...

Makes me thirsty for Spring! I love lemondae stands!!! Great picture, thanks for sharing!

Cindy N. said...

Too cute. I agree with Mark...I would have to stop if I saw them out there.

chesneygirl said...

Wow! Is that your house in the background? I'm jealous.

I used to have lemonade stands too when I was their age! So fun! :)

Spring in March?? Not up here, sister! More like late April for us!

Mise en Place said...

Look how sweet they look. I'm with you on the longing...that grass is SO green it makes me want to roll in my front yard. I'm sure I'd be sent to the nut house considering it's dead and BROWN.


LAMommyof3 said...

Too cute!! :) The only down side to Spring getting close is that that means summer is coming too. And while I love being off for Summer vacation, I HATE the hot weather!! So, maybe I want to hold on to winter a little bit longer... ;)

Carrie Guevara said...

I love Spring! I just wish it lasted longer before the heat and bugs take over. :)

Nicki said...

I am ready for Spring too! We've been blessed with a couple of Spring-like days this winter though. So, it has made winter more bearable.

I've really enjoyed reading through your blog!

Anonymous said...

I love late spring early summer.. well I love summer too even though it gets hotter than hell. We have not really had much of a winter this past yr, though we are expecting a hard freeze this weekend. I love this quote by Maya Angelou ~I've heard it said that winter, too, will pass and spring a sign that summer is due at last. See all we have to do is hang on.~

Ex-playgroup mommy said...

I remember selling lemonade! How fun.

We have actually had a crazy winter here in South NJ. Temps have been in the 60's this month and last. It's very bizarre. Now i hear we might get snow this weekend. The world may be ending...

Suzanne said...

Oh, it makes me so envious for warmer weather. This winter, even though it's been pretty mild here, has lasted approximately 45 years.

Great photo!

Renee Nefe said...

I just read your "I'd rather have nothing..." post and I have to say ARRRGH! DD is almost 8 but she's gonna want to keep playing with polly's with those teeny tiny parts??? Oh joy!

Man I miss the HUGE front yards down there, back yards too. Here my front yard is just 10 feet from the front door and the back yard isn't much bigger.

Fern Bourrie said...

Oh, sweet memories. My girls use to do that when they were younger.

JeepGirl said...

I hope you get warm weather in March. I think we are doomed here in Wisconsin till end of April/May. Not much for snow this winter tho.
I love the picture. Especially how they have to take the dining room chairs out there to sit on.
They should make some cookies or bars to go with the drinks.

Sarah said...

I want spring too!

tara said...

hey renee!! wow -look at that green,green grass! and i really love all those windows!! man i bet you have some awesome natural light... makes for gorgeous pictures!! :)