Tuesday, February 21, 2006

My list of worries as of 2/21/2006

I keep reminding myself that the reason I started this blog was to be able to look back at it, in many years, and have it serve as a diary of sorts. I also hope to show it to my children when their older, so that they can read stories of things that they've done, that their old mother has forgotten about. It's a peek into my life as it is now, a snapshot in time. As I've said before, I'm a worrier, so I figured I should post about my daily worries. Things that cross my mind daily and cause me to worry, the same things that keep me awake at night or the wee hours of the morning. Here they are:

- something bad happening to Anna, Emma or John, health or accident-related
- ditto for Mark, my mom, my sister's family
- money, not having enough from day to day, week to week
- future expenses, especially college and weddings - how in lleh are we going to pay for that?
- having my own health problems
- the need to lose weight, growing older
- social problems for my girls, 'mean-girls' teasing them, etc.

These are the biggest ones that come to mind. There are more, but they are a little more petty and not as worrisome for me. I guess most of these are the typical things that most wives/mothers worry about, but I just wanted to share.

Do any of you have some big worries to add?


Drywall Mom said...

Losing Weight? Can I have your problem? I have the same fear for my son who will soon be going to school. He doens't get around alot of children so it worries me that kids will pick on him b/c he's so nice. But then again, he stands up for himself so really the only thing is making friends.

Heather said...

I worry about those exact same things. One big one for me is that my kids will grow up and leave and I'll loose myself, I won't know who I am without them.

Greta Adams said...

I think everyone has those same worries. You are a strong woman and so are your girls...hopefully they won't let the "mean girls" get to them...

Ex-playgroup mommy said...

I have all the same worries. I am esp worried about getting older. It's one of my biggest fears after something happening to my kids. When I think about it I actually lose my breath....how do you handle it?

Mise en Place said...

My biggest concern is natually my kids and their well being.

My brother lost his son at the age of 5 to cancer. I watched that family suffer beyond words. They made it through and have 4 amazing kids.

To put myself in that place is one of the things that frightens me most.

Still, I we really shouldn't worry.

Lisa M. said...

I worry. I am a wart of worry. I had gray hair at 14. (I know that is a myth, but it is true all the same!)

Mine are the same really.

I have a disabled son. (Cerebral Pasly and Deaf/blind) I worry CONSTANTLY about what his life will be like as an adult, and who will talke care of him, after I am not able to do it anymore.

Somedays go by with out the concern and worry, but those are my biggest concerns.

Oh, and keeping healh insurance for him.... and, and, and...

*smile* I do love this online journaling!

chesneygirl said...

I worry about most of these same things too!
I could add...getting old! I have a huge problem with this and I don't know why. It bothers me...ALOT!

Recently, I attended a Christian Woman's Conference and the woman speaker was excellent and she said this:

"Worry is the EXPECTATION that God will fail."

It nearly knocked me off my chair. It was very powerful to me. I try to recite this in my head everyday, it doesn't keep me from worrying but I don't worry quite as much as used to.

Anonymous said...

Good list.. well bad list.. well you know what Im saying!

Lala's world said...

I worry about the same things.... I also will worry about someone breaking into my house in the middle of the night and hurting us

Fern Bourrie said...

OMG....now you got me worrying!!! I try not to worry too much because that takes up too much energy that I could be using elsewhere. I know it's hard to do, but I try. Think happy thoughts!! :)

Foxy said...

hi, visiting from drywall mom's site. i worry too- having 3 girls i worry so much about what the future has in store for them, every time i watch the news i worry- i just worry period. but i guess u just have to have faith sometimes..:)

Penelope Marzec said...

My girls are all in their twenties and I worry even more than I did when they were young. Plus I now have elderly parents to worry about as well.

I say my prayers and know that God loves them all even more than I do!

Cindy N. said...

You worry too much. Things will always work out. Just raise them the best way you know how and God will take care of the rest. By the time they get married and go off to college (not in that order) you will be able to afford it better. Stop worrying and ENJOY!