Friday, February 10, 2006

Mooooo for Mama

As mentioned before, this little booger will say 'Maw-Maw' and 'Dada' all the live long day. Will he say 'Mama', 'Mommy', 'Mom', anything of the sort? No.

Mark was trying to get him to say 'Mom' this morning and he busts out with the exact same sound he makes for the cows mooing. It's like a 'Mmmmm', with a tiny bit of 'ooh' in it.

Mark thought it was funny that his cow sound and his mom sound were the same. Both providers of milk. Close enough.


DebbieDoesLife said...

With a face that sweet he is forgiven.

Anonymous said...

What a cute little man!

LAMommyof3 said...


He is so precious!!!!

Anonymous said...

he is sooooo precious, why can't they forever stay this way : )

chesneygirl said...

I'm so hearin' ya. It took my son FOR-EVER to say Mama, mommy or mom.
I begged, pleaded and even bribed him to say it...I always got 'daddy' instead.
I swear he was sayin' just about every word in Webster's Dictionary before he finally said 'mama.' at 18 and a half months old!!

Ditsy Chick said...

My husband called me the milk truck. I almost flattened him....

Mise en Place said...

I swear, just like a man. But one look at that face and all is forgiven.

Very cute!

Ex-playgroup mommy said...

Look at the face! I wouldn't care if he called me shithead. Okay, yes I would, but he is just so cute!

Carrie Guevara said...

He may not be saying "mamma" with his mouth - but he's definitely saying it with his eyes! Such a sweet face :)

MarkD60 said...

Once my dog said "Mark" absolutely perfectly. There was a witness. I've been trying to get him to do it again.

Anonymous said...

Skim or Homo??? ;)

JeepGirl said...

Oh my god is that a cute photo!

Very handsome !

My 1 year old says "MAMAMAMAMAMA" and hits me on the leg for attention and a pick me up technique.

Sarah said...

He'll say it eventually!

Cindy N. said...

Once he starts saying Mom, he will say it forever. Mom this and Mom that till you are sick of it. I want to kiss his mouth. He is too cute for words.

still_figuring_out said...

lol. cute.