Wednesday, February 01, 2006


Do you find that you're constantly overwhelmed by everything that you have to do?

I've been finding that more and more.

Overwhelmed because my house is never clean. I have things stuck to my floor that I can't identify. I have enough hair on my bathroom floor to build Cousin It's wife.

Overwhelmed because I can't keep up with the huge tidal wave of laundry that my family manages to accumulate week after week.

Overwhelmed because I can't seem to keep enough food in my house. You'd swear I had 4 huge ogres living with me, instead of 2 smallish girls, 1 smallish husband and a wee tot of a boy.

Overwhelmed because the girls have so many school projects and extracurricular activities, that there's always at least one thing on the fire. This morning it was making pancakes to bring to Anna's class so she could do a presentation on Vermont (maple syrup and all), music lessons, Adopt-A-Class, art class after school and the book fair.

Overwhelmed because 1 smallish husband (mentioned above) seems to NEVER be home to help out.

Overwhelmed because I'm trying to accumulate a tiny bit of leave to make up for the vast amount of leave taken when I birthed the wee tot (mentioned above) almost a year and a half ago.

Overwhelmed because I never seem to have enough time for my immediate family, my extended family and my friends.


You get my drift.


chesneygirl said...

I get the feeling you're overwhelmed. (tee hee)

Really though, I am overwhelmed by all the EXACT same things (except for the daughters and school projects). Especially the never-home-husband one!
And I could do a whole nother list for work too!

Anonymous said...

Do you need to borrow my fork?

beki said...

Who isn't?

Anonymous said...

Hell yes! I feel the same way every day. I was telling dh I am amazed how a family of 4 produces so much damn laundry. We never get days off!

JeepGirl said...

Oh man I feel your pain. I've got things stuck (my opinion, due to the boys) all over my house that I need to remove. They especially like scotch tape. I need to vaccuumm so bad it's embarrassing. I have dishes from 2 days ago not done. Laundry, man don't get be started, cause I'll never get caught up with that till all the kids go to college. I don't even know where my laundry room floor is. Food - aahhh - I just used my lunch time to go to the grocery store and planned on picking up 3 things. I spent $116.00. What the hell ?! And it was the basics. Men, husbands, whatever you want to call them, never ever home.
Sports, school, work, house work . . .
I don't think even a "Calgon, take me away" commercial will work. I think I must apply booze. But then, who will do my chores?

JeepGirl said...

I do love the book fair tho. One of my favorites. I spend way too much !

Renee said...

Oh jeepgirl, it sounds like you live with me!
I, too, love the book fair and plan on going tomorrow where I will spend even more money!

Daisy Mae said...

I remember those days well. But when they grow up and move out you'll wish for those days back.

Oh who am I kidding... empty nesting is a blast!!! Your day will come eventually. Until then I hear a glass of wine or a shot of whiskey in the afternoon helps.

Mise en Place said...

I share your misery! I am out of the house 4 nights a week for someone's activity. As far as the house and everything else goes, I'm just a hampster on a big ASS wheel.

My mediumish sized Hubby is not home very early either.

Suzanne said...

Delurking to say "Yes!" and, for added emphasis, "Definitely!" And I have only two kids, and only a preschool schedule to keep track of. Sometimes I feel the need to just sink under the surface for a while...

Anonymous said...

You are obviously not alone in this! I always wonder how other people can appear to have it all together--maybe they never sleep! Hope your day is better.

Heather said...

I feel that way too. It's hard. I don't think it will be like this forever though. I just try to enjoy the spare quiet moments I have, like the kids naptime, I know you don't have that,but maybe something else. You can do it, schedual in time for yourself or your going to loose it, you can only give so much and then you need to refill.

MarkD60 said...

I always got the idea that it would be fun to have your life!

Ole Blue The Heretic said...

Sounds like you need way more than just several glasses of wine, a few shots, and a hot bath.

Lower your standards for clean, it works for me.


Fern Bourrie said...

Being overwhelmed is an everyday thing for me!!! UGH!!

Lala's world said...

so we are all in the same boat eh??!! this is my day to day life as well. my big hubby makes just as much mess for me as the 4 bloodsuckes, I mean darling children.....I feel I am always about 10 paces behind.
thanks for venting! makes me feel better knowing I am not alone

Carrie Guevara said...

Uh yep, that's a big 10-4! ;)

Drywall Mom said...

Tell your husband that you are being too overwhelmed and your older kids that they need to help out more. Then find places for them to stay and go out for the weekend.

LAMommyof3 said...

I totally understand. Juggling 3 kids, a job,a hubby and a house is not easy!!! I feel like at any one time I can be really good at one, maybe 2 of them, but never all at one time. It's hard!!

Cindy N. said...

Sounds like you have a bunch going on. I was in that mode when my kids were at home, but I love the empty nest now. It's quiet (except for the bird and the dogs) and there's not much going on, BUT my house is just as dirty. I just say, I need to dust, and continue to sit on my butt. I did hire a housekeeper for twice a month. That helps a lot. And lasso that husband of yours. Tell him you need help. You are only one person Renee, let him know that!

Cindy N. said...

And another thing...make those girls help with the laundry. They are quite old enough to learn. They can fold clothes and put them away too. They can also vacuum and dust. That way they can earn some spending money.

Mary Tsao said...

I've been thinking this exact same thing lately! (About me, not you.) But I seriously do not know how you do it with three kids and work and everything else. You're amazing.

Hope things ease up soon.

Ditsy Chick said...

The laundry reproduces itself. Really, burn it and go buy all new, it will take sometime before it grows back.

Yes, I have 3 boys and my hubby has not moved down here yet, so I feel your pain.

Penelope Marzec said...

I agree with cindy n.--my daughters learned to help out at an early age--I also agree with Ole Blue The Heretic, you've got to lower your standards.

Believe me, I've been where you are now and I know it is impossible. But the kids will grow up real fast.

BayouMaMa said...

I'm there girl...everyday. I always feel like I'm behind. I guess that's the generation of women we've become...but we don't have to stay that way, do we?

Krisco said...

Me too!!

Anonymous said...

Ugh. I could have written this post. I share with you my new mantra.... chant as needed:

I am only human and can only do one thing at a time
I am only human and can only do one thing at a time
I am only human and can only do one thing at a time

DaniGirl said...

Renee, I get the feeling after seeing all these comments that more than a few of us feel the same way. But here's a big commenty hug anyway, because we all feel that way sometimes.

And are there any pancakes leftover? Yum!

Ex-playgroup mommy said...

Hi, I just found your blog from Tara's. I just wrote a post like this a few weeks ago. I have 3 kids (7, 3 and 21 months) and I feel like I can't do it all. Here's the thing..I don't work. I could never imagine having a full time job and doing all of it at home. Cut yourself some slack. I wish I had some good advice, but I don't. I just do what I can and try not to worry about the rest. Until I forget to do something and then I feel like an awful parent!