Friday, September 22, 2006

Did I just say that?

This is filed under the 'Things I've Said To my Kids That Just Don't Sound Normal' list.

Last night, as John M. had gotten hold of one of Anna's dry erase markers, while he was eating
his snack of cheese-in-a-bowl:

'JOHN M., do NOT write on that cheese!'

I actually had to repeat it a couple of times too.

Please share some similar phrases of your own.

Y'all, have a great weekend. My boy turns 2 on Sunday.


Anonymous said...

This week I've asked Caitlin, "Is Amelia eating that crayon? Is she?" I'm sure I have weirder I just haven't had enough caffeine this morning to remember! ;)

Anonymous said...

p.s. happy early birthday to John M.! you've got to post a party picture!

Martie said...

Happy 2nd Birthday to John!

One of the stupidist things I ever asked my kids was "Did you wet your pants?" when it was obvious that they had....or "Do you want me to spank you?" did I really think they would say 'yes'?!?

chesneygirl said...

Oh I know I could come up with a list longer than my arm but wouldn't you know I can't think of anything right now.

HAPPY 2ND BIRTHDAY, JOHN M!! Give the little guy kisses for me!

I hope to see pictures next week! :)
Have fun!!!

Anonymous said...

Perhaps he was going to paint it orange to make it Chedder? Happy Birfday!

Amanda said...

I said to Hannah the other day, " get that medicine syringe out of Gracie's ear".

Anonymous said...

I am coming up empty handed, but I am sure I can think of some.

Happy SECOND Birthday John M!

Nicki said...

Well, I had to ask the kids an odd question this week. A question that I never imagined I'd have to ask in my lifetime.

"Who put the tampons in the refrigerator?"

Happy Birthday to John M!! Such a sweetie.

beki said...

Oh gosh, I know I've said many things. I think the most recent is "Stop touching your brother's butt!".

^starshine said...

that made me giggle! too cute!

Happy Birthday little one!

I did have to tell my little toddling 1 year old to "put the knife down." I was trying to get dishes in and out of the dishwasher which is an automatic magnet for my Goober Baby to come investigate and get into trouble.

Anonymous said...

I had to ask Julia to stop licking her brother at the grocery store this morning.

And after I'd hung up with my husband this morning, Julia looked at me and said, "Daddy is a freak."

Happy birthday to your little guy!

Carrie Guevara said...

"I know daddy has lots of tattos but he didn't get them using a permanent marker. Now, let's go run a bath and see if we can get any of that off before Sunday dinner." :o

Happy Birhtday John M! :)

Unknown said...

He sounds like my 4 year old! I have to repeat myself over and over again. Today he was lapping up his milk in his cereal bowl, he was a puppy. All the while getting milk all over the table, shirt, pants and floor! I'll say his name over and over until I have to say, "FOCUS" then he looks up and says "what?" I'm sure he thinks that's his name!!

Amanda said...

I walked in the house last night I am putting stuff down I hear."Hannah get your blankie out of the toilet". It was really her potty seat but still I thought it was funny.

MarkD60 said...

You could post a list. . . .

MarkD60 said...

And Happy Birthday!

Cindy N. said...

To my daughter's best friend's son, she said "Stop picking your nose!" to which he responded "but there is somebody in there!". We fell out laughing.

Happy birthday John M!

Lunch? Friday?

Greta Adams said...

happy birthday john...

girl i cannot share the things i say to my kids...that would definitly get me the mother of the year award

Mrs. Flinger said...

Happy Birthday!!! Welcome to the twos. :-) We're there, too (really, I mean what's 23 months?)

I just told her to stop humping Elmo. Isn't that wrong?

Michelle said...

I think we already knew this, but our boys are really close in age. Drew will be 2 on Oct 26.

I still can't believe I say Cogety Milk for Chocolate Milk. That's totally a Drewism.

Lisa M. said...

"Get your butt out of my foot"

While playing hand and foot a game, and my teenage daughter was peeking at my cards!

Happy Happy.


Krisco said...

I hope you had a great birthday party! And that line is funny. Do not write on that cheese.

And yet, I can TOTALLY see it.

hollibobolli said...

I love that line. That's a funny one to remember.

I amazingly can't think of anything strange I've said. I would guess I say a lot of strange things.

Anonymous said...

I just snorted beer out my nose. Thanks guys.

This isn't particularly unusual, but I'm getting sick and tired of saying, "Take your hand out of your pants."

Anonymous said...

Please take the bologna off the wall...