Monday, September 25, 2006

Big Purple Annoyance - Act 3

Anna loved Barney back in 1996. Emma had a repeat performance in 1998. And guess who's back in '06?

You got it. How thrilled am I about that? I've even bought a Barney DVD from the Mart of Wal. We've now seen it about 8,709 times. We walk around the house singing the tunes. The Barney Hits that never grow old, right?

John M. sang himself to sleep just now, with his own version, 'I love me, you love me, we a happy family...'. Whenever we ask him, 'You love you?', he says 'Yeah, ME!', as if to say, 'everyone loves ME right, I don't know who this 'you' person is, but he'd better get in the back of the line'.

I'm signing off now to hum Barney tunes to myself . . . joy.


Suzanne said...

I guess you could solace yourself by thinking that it's probably the last time you'll have to deal with Barney!

Carrie Guevara said...

My girls are now five and eight and still fall into a trance like state anytime that blasted purple thing rears his televised head. When will it ever end? Twitch, twitch...

Martie said...

My granddaughter, Amber, use to just love Barney and Baby Bop and we sang many a Barney song together. Now that she is 11 1/2 she pokes fun at him when the little kids aren't around and asks me "Mema, why did you let me like Barney"! Like I had any control over that one!!!

beki said...

I'm so in touch with that.

Anonymous said...

don't forget how cat.5 sings some of Barney's other songs: like the one that goes "And we're going to have fun,.... on a sunny day". His translation is FUN.....DAY at the top of his lungs

chesneygirl said...

You are preachin' to the choir, sister!!
but I've got you beat because I think it's been played in our house 23,589 just since June.

Adam sings the words the EXACT same way John M. does!

it's all my mom's fault...she introduced him to it.
I told her "paybacks are hell...just you wait until you old and dying and you're in my care..." ::evil grin::

Anonymous said...

Somehow we have lucked out and avoided any love for the big purple dinosaur. And I'm not losing any sleep over it! ;)

Drywall Mom said...

Even with kids, I cannot get myself to watch it without having to turn it off within 2 minutes. I guess I am not a barney fan, no matter how hard I try

Tiffany said...

Oh nooo...Barney...!

John M. is a kid who knows what we wants - everyone to love him! ;)

Anonymous said...

I banned Barney from our house LOL. Leah doesn't even know he exhists and I love it that way. LOL.

Amanda said...

I really dislike that purple dinosaur.

hollibobolli said...

Oh sigh sigh sigh - I am not a big fan of the Barn. Baby Bop is a child born of evil. But I watched a special that showed children actually behave BETTER after watching that show - so there's something positive!!

I still am not sure if I think Barney is worse than the Wiggles.

Anonymous said...

We are a Barney free zone up here!

Unknown said...

I thought the Barney lov'n days were gone too until I found my 1 year old GLUED to the TV one day dancing away to what.... TO BARNEY!!! That purple dino has invaded my house too!

^starshine said...

I don't know how we avoided it, but we have totally passed by Barney. Of course that means we are just spellbound by those dang doodlebops!

MarkD60 said...

I have a song called "Uh-Oh, Barneys on fire"
Would you like me to email it to you?

Lisa M. said...

After listening to Barny a thousand times, my spouse very calmly removed the CD from the player, and um, THREW it out the window.

My daughter... was totally crushed, but everyone else, welcomed the peace.

Froggie Mama said...

Oh yeah - we've been through our Barney phase here, too!! :) He's not too bad actually. Weird characters don't bug me... they keep children entertained & quiet!! HA! HA!!

BTW!! I ♥ your header!!
Absolutely adorable!!!! Good job!
Hope you're having a great week, Renee!

Greta Adams said...

ok so i am sooooo glad i don't have to go through that anymore..

Anonymous said...

The only time I thoroughly enjoyed Barney was when he played BasketBall with Charles Barklay, and got pounded.
Just look at it like 30 minutes to do whatever you wanna, while he's watching the purple-geek.
One good point---you never have to sensor anything barney's always good lifelessons.
Thanks to all the powers that be that my youngest 2 had NO INTEREST WHATSOEVER in that purple-goofball.


Laurie said...

Barney has never entered my house, and for that I am proud!!

Happy Birthday to John M!

Anonymous said...

Bless your heart. We have escaped his evil clutches this far although there were times I would have happily traded the wiggles for barney.

mad muthas said...

d'ya think there could be some awful subliminal message in those songs? why else are kids immediately addicted, and why is it sooooo hard to get them out of your system. truly, barney is the crack of the kindergarten tv world. is it made in colombia, by any chance?

4evergapeach said...

Made me think of the song "Mr. Mom" LOL! It's been a LONG time since my children watched any of those shows, luckily Barney was not one of them, but I had my share of watching Big Bird!

Glad to hear things are going well down there in the bayou. Cold weather seems to be taking a short break up here....yippy! Take care....

Anonymous said...

Count your blessings. Barney is quite entertaining compared to the torture of the Doodlebops. They are coming to town a day before the twins 4th birthday. I hope no one tells them...

Miss chatting with you guys...