Wednesday, August 02, 2006


Today is my sister's birthday. She's 38. Only 15 months older than I am. You may be thinking my mom was crazy to have two children so close in age. The truth is, she wasn't nuts, I was just an accident. An 'oh, shit!', if you will.

Kelli and I were super-close growing up. We did everything together, my mom even used to dress us alike when we were little. We never lived in a 'neighborhood' where we had plenty of friends nearby to play with, so we mostly played with each other. We played Barbies, Fisher Price people, and Weebles for hours on end. I can never once remember Kelli making me feel like a pesky 'little sister'. Even in our older years, as teens, she always treated me more like a best friend. I didn't realize back then how rare and admirable that was, but I do now. Her friends were my friends, and mine were hers. She was always the popular one with dates, and she would often set me up with her dates' friends. She always made me feel welcome and not only that, she seemed to actually prefer me over her friends. We argued very rarely and when we did, we made up quickly.

Our lives took totally different directions after having children. She's a stay-at-home mom of four, and I'm a full-time working mom. She's very detail-0riented and her kids' birthday parties are perfectly coordinated. Mine are well, uhh, let's just say 'thrown-together'. We have different approaches to things, but at the same time, for the most part, we jive.

We've had more disagreements and feuds in the past 10 years since having kids, than we did in the 25 years previous. Most of them having to do with our children and our ways of raising them. There was a time when I didn't think that we'd be able to get past our differences in this respect and I feared that our relationship would never be the same.

Well, I was right, it wasn't the same. But that doesn't mean that it's not still special.
It's taken me a while to accept the fact that we don't have to see eye to eye all the time, that it's okay to disagree and argue and move on. That, in doing this, our relationship continues to grow and change. She will always be my 'big' sister. Our relationship is like no other that I've ever had or ever will have. I have shared more experiences with her than probably any one other person in my life. Through childhood, and teenage years, and college and still today. So many parts of my personality have been shaped through my interaction with her. And for that, I feel lucky.

Thanks, Kelli (even though I'm pretty sure you don't keep up with this blog) for being a special person in my life. Though I rarely say it, I love you more than you know.


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful tribute to your sister and the strength of your relationship. Happy birthday!

Unknown said...

Happy birthday Kelli. I know what you mean about differences between siblings. I have 3 sisters - all of us have our own views how things should be done - and we're all very sure we are the ones who are right. Now that I live so far away I make sure each moment we spend together - when we're together - are extra special.

chesneygirl said...

Happy Bithday, Kelli!!

How nice of you to write a special post about her on her 38th birthday.....I did the same thing about my little brother on his 28th birthday a few months back!! :)

You guys look SO much alike in that picture. Do you still?

Wonderful post, Renee!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to your big sis!

Whenever I read about sisters growing up together I always get this slight jealous twinge. I have sisters, 2 infact, by my next closest sister (in age) is 6 yrs older. Funny, my sister who is 11yrs older is the one I am closest to.

Just wanted to say you are lucky to have grown up together. Those are memories you will cherish forever.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful, sweet picture! Happy Birthday to your sister and I'm glad you've been able to work through your differences.

beki said...

What a nice post about Kelli. Though you've had your differences, you're lucky to have her. I wish I had a sister!

Anonymous said...

I too wish I had a sister, but thankfully have 3 very loving sister-in-laws. Great post. You should definitely remind her to read that one!
P.S. that picture of you reminds me of Anna.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Nanee, my baby sister always. Even putting up with my moods and our differences, we are still the perfect match as far as sisters go. Thanks Na for always giving me exactly what I needed - unconditional love, someone to always feel comfortable around, and especially fun memories that were truly the best thing about childhood, teen years, and LSU. Thanks again for the special Happy Birthday - just know that you have a place in my heart that is just for you. (Love the matching outfits)

Drywall Mom said...

You are luck then to have a sister so close in age that would do that. My sister and I are about 18 months apart and it wasn't until a few years ago that we can somewhat get along. To her I was known as the annoying brat that followed her around and everthing else that went along with it. So if you could get along that well, I envy you.

Carrie Guevara said...

Beautiful post! I hope my two girls feel the same and are just as close when they are grown. Happy Birthday wishes to your sister. :)

Lala's world said...

that is really special!!

my middle 2 girls are 15 mths apart!
my sis and I are 21 months apart and we were dressed in matching clothes ALL the time too!! however I was treated as the pesky younger sister and we get along better now then we did specially as teenagers!!!

Martie said...

I understand the "oh,shit" accident! I had one of those and my boys are 17 months apart in age.

This is such a nice tribute to your sister. I grew up with an older and a younger sister and totally understand the joys they bring.

Happy Birthday, Kelli!!

Greta Adams said...

i understand the oh shit syndrome..that was me with my 2...nice tribute to your sister and i hope you continue to grow closer with her

Lisa M. said...

I feel the exact same way about my sister. Its a unique and strange thing to grow up and become the people we do.

Who would have thunk?

Happy Birthday to your dear sister, and Kuddo's to you for your heart!

Mary Tsao said...

That's so sweet! I should do something like this for my sister, but I'm not sure I have the guts. Our relationship is still a little rocky.

Happy Birthday to your sister!

Froggie Mama said...

Awww! I liked that alot. That was very sweet and looks like your sister feels the same way! :) I have a sister, but we're 6 years apart and we're the best of friends. She's about to have a baby, so we'll see if that changes everything or not! ha! :)

Happy almost Friday!! woohoo!

Mise en Place said...

Hm, my brother and I are 18 months apart...I too was an "Oh, SHIT" LOL! But I was a followed by two more sisters. It's funny, because I think that just happens after having kids. My sibling and I were always close but have drifted some since families have come into the picture. I think for the very same reason...differences.

I am the hap-hazard, free spirted one and usually the one to buck the family system. I do things the way they are best for MY family and let them do the same. However, I let it be and they feel the need to express the disapproval. Oh well. Life goes on...I love them all dearly but am going to continue to live MY life and raise MY family!!

Great post. Touch a nerve, can you tell, LOL!!


Amanda said...

Happy Birthday Kelli!!!

Renee ,that was a nice tribute to your sister. I am sure if she read it she would love it.

Michelle said...

This was a beautiful post about your sister. I enjoyed it.

Sorry I haven't been around much. Having too much fun with summer I guess.

Tash said...

what a great post!! I have 3 sisters and we are all close in age. but the one above and below me are the closest.. the funny thing is me and my younger sister fought like cats and dogs, but now we are the closest!! and even though we have are differences they will always be my sisters and I am gratefull for them always!

Krisco said...

That is a great relationship. Your sister is special to include you that much, and you to share your friends too. That's awesome.

^starshine said...

As a mom who had two girls 14 months apart I often wonder how they will grow up and how their relationship will change. I've often just refered to them as my "twins" cause they have done everything together up until this point in there life.

Great post, I always love to hear from others who have a sibling close in age. It lets me know that my girls share an amazing bond that only siblings super close in age share...