Monday, January 07, 2008

My ass

Well, actually it's my kids' ass, but here she is.

This is what happens when the kids join Mark at a livestock auction and some yahoo decides to sell a donkey dirt cheap.

John named her 'Toto'.

She is pretty cute though, don't you think?


BlondeMomBlog (Jamie) said...


My mom bought some goats once when I was a kid. The next day they were ALL GONE. We think the guy who sold them to her came back and got them!

chesneygirl said...

Aw, you have a cute ass, Renee!


Carrie said...

She's adorable! :) I'd probably come home with her, too. I'm always trying to bring home baby goats or chicks and we live in an apartment on 1/4 acre, LOL!

Greta Adams said...

aww renee your ass looks better than mine ..bwhahahahahahahha

Sarah said...

Cute! I love all animals!

Mel said...

Oh my word. And I complain when the kids come home with yet more STUFFED animals!

Martie said...

Renee - Oh no, I don't think Toto's in Kansas anymore!!!! Must have been a huge cyclone,huh? LOL


Melissa said...

I can't imagine any other family for whom a donkey might be an impulse buy; she's adorable!! And I'm so happy to think that Mark is now working so much closer to home so that you can all spend more time together. With your ass.

^starshine said...

That is the cutest little donkey!!
And what an hysterical impulse purchase!! I fret when my children want to buy a fish!

Tiffany said...

She looks real cute for an ass. ;)
Looks like a nice sweet animal to own. Really pretty pattern....I don't know if all asses look like that or not, but I'd like to pet her.

Your son must be in love!

Cheryl Wray said...

You are TOO funny!!!!

MarkD60 said...

I wonder it everyone'll think it's OK to post pictures of their asses now!

Well, it might be OK, depending on who's ass it is . . .

Anonymous said...

Oh wow, and I'm a mean mom because I won't let the kids get a goldfish!!! I so love the fact that you adopt random farm animals!

mamatulip said...

Nice ass, girl!


Anonymous said...

We'll I've never seen a $50 ass look that good!

Anonymous said...

Quite the hairy ass you've got there. Yeah, I know. The puns have been done. It's fun, though. Congrats??!!

LLA said...


Your ass is so cute (forgive me if that sounds as if I am being too familiar....)

I'm a little envious!

Cindy N. said...

I absolutely LOVE your ass! See ya tomorrow for lunch.