Friday, May 04, 2007

Grateful Friday

I don't like the fact that I haven't been posting much, if anything, between my Friday posts, but life is crazy, so I guess this is just how it'll have to be for now.
I'm thankful today for:
1.) These pretty pictures that my mom took of the boy.
2.) The cute 'little boy' haircut that Mrs. Sam gave John M.
3.) Softball practice getting into full swing (no pun intended). I'm looking forward to both my girls playing softball this year. Emma may even play 1st base!
4.) My new dining room chairs, courtesy of Tar-jay.
5.) Mark helping around the house this week, he's been washing dishes on a regular basis. Not the norm for him.
6.) My agapanthus being a hair away from full bloom. I love those things!
7.) Mark's brothers coming to town in a couple of weeks. They're never all here at the same time.
8.) Not cooking all week! We've been fast food queens this week, but what the hell? It's easy!
Hope everyone has a nice weekend. It's rainy over here, but hopefully we'll see the sun some over the weekend.


BlondeMomBlog (Jamie) said...

I love his new haircut! Happy Friday. :)

Martie said...

His new haircut is cute....but I don't like it! It makes him look too grown up.....where is the baby John M? I'm going to miss him......just like baby Drew!!!! And that makes me too OLD too!!!

Krisco said...

Love Tar-jay! Cute hairdo! HOep the weekend was nice.

Greta Adams said...

love the always is more hectic in the summer...who watns to stay couped up bloggin when you can be outside!!

chesneygirl said...

Oh my gosh, Renee!! John M doesn't look like a baby any more! :(

Isn't Tar-jay the greatest?!? LOVE that place!!!

Hope the weather was nice for you... it was so-so here.

Anne said...

oh wow what great pictures! And i am there with you on the blogging once a week. This is just a busy time of year!

Cheryl Wray said...

The pictures are GORGEOUS!! What a cutie pie!!!

Anonymous said...

Big boy now! I miss that stage already! Awesome. Enjoy

MarkD60 said...

I haven't been posting much either.
just don't quit!

I always look forward to your pictures.

4evergapeach said...

Love the pics, he is a real cutie! Weather looks great down there. Finally warming up here, slowly but surely. Would love to hear more from you but I understand about being busy and glad you can at least keep up the 'Thankful Fridays'

Aldon Hynes said...

Hi. I'm a Daddy Blogger, surfing around the Mommy blogs this Mother's Day (in between the grilling and listening to folk music on blankets on the lawn), to wish you and all the Mommy Bloggers a Happy Mother's Day.