Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Thoughts on a Tuesday

Not a whole lot of news-worthy items to post about today, so I'll just share a few of my thoughts that have been jogging through my brain today:

thought 1. (a.m.)It's been a year since Katrina. I've become one of those people who have too quickly forgotten the impact that's it's had on our state, and the nation as a whole. I forget all of the work that has yet to be done to rebuild. But I try to remind myself and keep the people of New Orleans in my thoughts and prayers.

thought 2. (a.m.) Will gas prices ever go down lower than 2 bucks a gallon? I just filled up my tank yesterday and it's already lower than 3/4 of a tank. Where the hell did my gas go? How can I make it the rest of the week, with a 66 mile roundtrip, and not use the rest of my gas. Perhaps, I can travel at a rate of 10 miles/hour. That would make my daily commute 12 hours long. Perhaps not.

thought 3. (lunchtime) Could this fried okra be any tastier?!

thought 4: (p.m.) I wish John M. would be in a more gleeful mood when I drop him off at the sitter's in the morning. Lately, he's been down in the dumps in the mornings and doesn't want me to leave. I try not to let it bother me, but I prefer my kid pushing me out of the door in the mornings, and that way the guilt is less during the day. Will I ever get over the guilt? After almost 11 years, I guess the answer to that is 'no'.

thought 5: (p.m.) I need to invest in some Nice N Easy, so I can improve on this Granny Fotbaum look I have going.

thought 6: (p.m.) I need to update my blog . . and here I am.

Peace out.


chesneygirl said...

thought 1: ditto (except for the 'our' state part)

thought 2: DITTO!

thought 5: ditto

thought 6: ditto (except no "here I am" cause I have nothing to blog about)

Not only are we very much alike we THINK alike too!!! :)

chesneygirl said...

P.S. I really like your new look!! and your new Avatar! :)

Greta Adams said...

love the new look.....

I am fixing to do a 1 year post myself it's just hard...

Mary Tsao said...

Fried okra! Sounds yum. I don't even think I can get that in these here parts. :)

I'm a Clairol gal myself. No Granny Fotbaum here.

Carrie Guevara said...

Hey Renee- Don't sell yourself short, from what I've read you've done a pretty good job of keeping up the good thoughts for NOLA and for those of us in exile. Thank you for that.
P.S- I love me some fried okara.Yum.

Martie said...

"Granny Fotbaum?" Man, I quit putting Nice 'n Easy in my hair eons ago....at 60, I think it's ok to be gray, isn't it?

I like your new look and btw, get rid of the guilt you carry about the kids......it's a wasted emotion and they really only try to make you feel guilty for their benefit! Honest!

Tiffany said...

You want it to be under $2 a gallon? Here in Chicago, we're estatic it just dropped to $3.09 from $3.35+! You're lucky! :P

Nicki said...

Ha! The things that go on in the minds of us women. I wear myself out just thinking all of the time.

Mrs. Flinger said...

ROFL! I love the nice N easy thing. And RIGHT there with ya!