Monday, August 07, 2006

Happy Birthday Mark!

Mark turned the big 3-7 last week.
Tell me he didn't love these t-shirts the girls wore to celebrate his big day!

Geez, I'm glad I'm not that old!
(well, not for another 2 1/2 months, that is.)


beki said...

Happy Birthday Mark! Those t-shirts are too cute ;-)

Anonymous said...

Cute shirts! Cute girls! Happy belated birthday to your hubby. :)

Greta Adams said...

love love love those tell them i said they are the coolest kids

Martie said...

Great shirts and Happy Birthday to Mark! Tell him that 37 isn't old yet.....ya know what, I sleep with a GRANDPA!!! LOL Sounds awful, huh?

Renee said...

The shirts come from Old Navy. And were really cheap . .like around 6 or 7 bucks.

Froggie Mama said...

Very, very cute girls! :) I bet that made their Daddy's day! Aww!
My little man has the My Mom Rules and My Dad Rocks shirts from Old Navy, too, of course! ;)

Happy Birthday to Mark!

Unknown said...

happy birthday to Mark
love those shirts :)

chesneygirl said...

Those shirts Rule!

OMG! is that your kitchen?!? I want your kitchen!

Oh yeah, and happy birthday to the old man! ;)

Lala's world said...

Happy Birthday to Mark!! I can't believe how fast time goes and where I used to think of 37 as way old..... now I's not so won't be so bad....I still feel young!!

Carrie Guevara said...

Happy Birthday to mark!
Cute shirts, even cuter kids
I too heart your kitchen :)

Mise en Place said...

The girls look GREAT! And Happy Birthday to your Hubbs!! :)

Anonymous said...

Cute shirts! Happy belated bday to your hubs.

Unknown said...

Those are cute shirts! I love teasing my man about his big day coming up - I'll never be as old as him... He's turning 40 in January!! Happy birthday Mark

4evergapeach said...

37 is old? What does that make me? Never mind, don't answer that...LOL!

You mentioned how close you and your sister were in your last post. My brother and sister are what you call Irish twins. They are only 11 months apart. This means they are the same age for 1 month. My sister never fails to call my brother and remind him. And no, she wasn't an accident. Mom actually had 2 more after that. 8 of us all together!

Hope your enjoying your summer. Seems it is going by too quick for me!

Unknown said...

LOL Cute shirts cute girls! I have the fortunate advantage of being 7 years younger than my husband so no matter how old I get he'll always be that much older. It really burns him when the girls at church talk about how they thought he was my Dad when they first started coming to church. I just laugh ;)

hollibobolli said...

I'm waaaaaay behind - sorry. Being sick has really interfered with my blogging.

Happy Birthday Mark! (belated)

Homemade shirts are the best - and the girls look darling.

I'll be 37 in.. however many months. Let's start a club!

Mary Tsao said...

Cute shirts on two cute girls!

I'm gonna turn the big 3-8 next week. Ack!

PetiteMommy said...

Such cute shirts! I love them and your daughters are absolutely gorgeous too!