Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Aiming for the bumps

One thing that always got on my nerves about the area I live in is the condition of the roads there. There are potholes everywhere; most have been filled in but not well, so they're bumps.
It makes for a very bumpy ride.

John M. has changed my outlook on these bumps. He giggles everytime we hit one that shakes the car a little. He can be crying but when we hit a little bump, he'll take a break in the crying for a giggle. It's as if he can't help but do it.

Crossing railroad tracks nearly makes him hysterical with laughter!

So, now, every day I find myself aiming for the bumps. Anything to see that kid smile.


JeepGirl said...

Those little laughs and giggles just make your day don't they !

Julie Marsh said...

After all, you can take money out of his savings account to pay for the car repairs, right?

Kyle used to speed up as we approached a bumpy stretch of road so that it would feel like a roller coaster ride, if only to make Tacy giggle.

Trina said...

What a good Mommy!!! I remember going over railroad tracks when I was little and I would get that great tickle in my stomach. I loved it! Too bad all that stuff disappears with age, or maybe its a good thing, otherwise we would all look looney laughing hysterically over every little bump.

Beth said...

That is so cute. Funny how kids change the way we look at things!!!
what a sweetie!

Nicki said...

That is precious! What a good mommy!

hollibobolli said...

I don't mind potholes so much (unless they're really bad) but I can't stand gravel because I usually think I can drive faster then I really can and somehow get completely out of control!! I hope Faith doesn't enjoy that!!!

I think the thought of John M. giggling is just sweet - potholes or not.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Alex does the same thing! He thinks going over railroad tracks is hilarious.

Lala's world said...

ohhh that is too cute!! glad you recorded it. those can be the kind of things you forget....well at least I do anyways!

Anonymous said...

Its the best isnt it!?

Mise en Place said...

I'm with you...if it make them laugh, them I say let's DO IT!

Anonymous said...

aw, how cute! Reminds me if this little hill we have that if I speed up just a bit it gives the kids a "tickle" in their belly and laughter ensues. I go out of my way to just hit the hill!

MarkD60 said...

I remember sitting in the back of the bus, just for the one set of railraod tacks we went over!

Drywall Mom said...

I don't know what it is about kids but mine do the same thing. Mine love dirt roads.

Speckledpup said...

joy for the journey.

sweet. thanks for sharing that.

LAMommyof3 said...

That is so precious! My kids do the same thing. There is a stretch of road in Houma that is horribly bumpy. One night we were trying to get the kids to close their eyes and rest on the way home from there (about an hour drive), and then we hit that road. The kids started laughing and before we knew it we were all screaming "WEEE!!!". :) Life is too short to not stop and appreciate the little things!!

Krisco said...

That is very cute. And sweet.

Rob said...

Aiming for them is one way to flatten them out. With the bottom of your car.