Monday, February 18, 2008

I think we need a new farm animal . . .

Drumroll please . . .

Cows . . . check
Horses . . . check
Donkey named Toto . . . check
Goats . . . not yet, but any minute now. Mark has goats on the brain.

So, tell me, what's a good name for a cute wee goat like this?


DebbieDoesLife said...

He's adorable. The bad thing? Goats grow up and eat and climb EVERYTHING. Oh, and they smell like goat cheese.

He looks like a "Buddy" to me. That reminds me - they butt with their heads.

beki said...

I vote for Clover.

Anonymous said...

How bout LARS (Last Animal Renee Said) or you could always go with Billy. Kelli

Anonymous said...


cuteness...udder cuteness. (I know, slap me.)

Anonymous said...

and that was me. :)

chesneygirl said...

Oh gosh, I'm not good at naming animals. But I like Snow white! Or snowball?

btw, I'm back from my glorious trip to the Caribbean! :)

Greta Adams said...

i say Sassy!!!

Sarah said...

Has to be Billy!

Anonymous said...

Hey Froggie,

The picture you picked is a doeling (girl), so y'all may want to adjust your names accordingly.

Cheryl Wray said...

How CUTE!! I'll have to think on the goat name!!!

Renee said...


Martie said...

I think you should call her 'Buttercup'.........I don't know me she just looks like a buttercup kinda gal!

Anonymous said...

Hi –

I have just come across your site. I'm Scott from - we are an online interactive forum for fathers based in New Zealand.

I was wondering whether you might be interested in a link exchange, or linking each other to their blogrolls, or having us posting a monthly summary of father related issues from our blog.

Thanks Scott

Anonymous said...

She reminds me of those blowey plants that you make a wish on. They grow wild in pastures. You blow the light feathery stuff into the air,after making a wish. Naturally, your wish always comes true. We all know what Renee will wish for.
So, my suggestion for the cute little girl goat, is BLOWEY

Anonymous said...

I think 'Kiddo' would be perfect!

LLA said...


I've coveted a goat ever since I was a child (I originally typed "kid" but decided to take it out when I caught the inadvertent pun...) You totally have to get the goats so I can live vicariously....

That pic? Cutest little girl EVER! (which is almost a shame, since I loved the suggestion of "lars" up above...) Must think of name suggestions....

xoxoxo your envious pal,


Heather said...

ohhh he is so cute!!

Lesli said...

So , so, cute!!! How fun for you!

hollibobolli said...

Chip! or Grover! or Baaaaaaab - wait, that would be a sheep.

he's soooooooooo cute!!! I wuv baby goats.

Laurie said...

I say Finnegan! SOOO CUTE.

Cindy N. said...

REDTAPE....weeeelllll???? It does have a piece of red tape on its ear.

Okay, so it's goofy. What can you expect from an old woman!?
