Thursday, October 04, 2007


I've been tagged by Jamie of BlondeMomBlog for a middle name meme. Okay, my middle name is Renee (which is the name I go by). No one has ever called me by my first name, except for my orthodontist and a few of my college professors. Here are some facts about me using the letters in 'Renee'; can you stand the excitement?

R - Real. One thing I cannot stand is people who aren't 'real' and pretend to be something they're not. I hate snobbiness, rudeness, that whole 'I'm better than you' attitude.

E - Eater. I am definitely an eater. I can out-eat many large men. I almost always clean my plate; not necessarily because I'm hungry, but just because I love the taste of FOOD!

N - Nerd. I'm a nerd; there, I said it. First of all, I'm a programmer. 'Nuff said? But I also love board games, crossword puzzles, reading, etc.

E - Exciteable - I'm very exciteable when it comes to certain things, like my kids playing sports for instance, or anything my kids do, I guess. I tend to yell and clap and possibly jump up and down.

E - Emma (Okay, I had a lot of 'Es', give me a break.) Emma has been one of very favorite girls' names ever since I was a kid. I used to watch 'Kate and Allie' and dream of the day that I would have my own Emma like Kate did. And now I do!

Wanna play? I'm gonna tag Mark, Cindy, and Heather.


chesneygirl said...

Well since I have the SAME middle name, my list would probably be almost the same as yours! :) ...except I don't have a daughter named Emma, but I do really like that name too!! :)

(I think the show 'Friends' has made that name popular again)

MarkD60 said...

I rekkon you tagged me because my posts have been sooooo boring lately.
But OK.

Once I asked a girl out whose name was Emma. She said no, and after I got to know her better, I was glad.

BlondeMomBlog (Jamie) said...

Thanks for playing along! I'm a big eater, too. You'd be amazed at how much breakfast I can put away at the Cracker Barrel. And I can't stand fake people, either. I also surprise myself at how much I can shout and go nuts at Caitlin's soccer games. Yikes. ;)

Anonymous said...

I love to eat too ... and it shows~ LOL

I would do my middle name, but it is Elizabeth. I am afraid I cannnot think of that many things!

Cheryl Wray said...

Okay...I TOTALLY am ALL of those! (Well, except Emma. lol) But I can EAT with the best of them, I get way too excited about anything that makes me happy, I am such a nerd (sci fi movies anyone?), and I cannot stand fakeness (keep it real, baby!)

Love it!!!!

Mel said...

Aw, c'mon people? Whats not to love about fake people ;). Fun post Renee! But now I so wannna know --- what is your first name!

Laurie said...

Fun! Learned something new about you! :)

Greta Adams said...

heheehehe i did this awhile was fun!!!

Anne said...

awww that is a nice list of info!! aren't we all nerds?

Melissa said...

I heart nerds! I'm sure you THINK you're a big eater, but I really AM, and fake people bug me too! Who has time to be fake? I have trouble keeping up with my real self!

Mary Tsao said...

I'm I the only one dying to know your real first name?!?!

Sarah said...

My first name was supposed to be Renee, if it was up to my dad. I have two middle name, Judith Elisabeth, so I am so glad you didn't tag me!