Monday, August 20, 2007

Something else I re-learned . . .

just to re-forget it by next week.

(blah, blah, blah)

Anna had to make an edible model of a plant cell for school today. Where DO they come up with this crap? I can't wait to get home and eat the vacuole.


chesneygirl said...


Hmmm.... interesting.
Boy do I have alot to look forward to, eh?

Sarah said...


Already with the projects?

Greta Adams said...

umm ok and tell me how it tastes

Cindy N. said...

I'm so glad my kids are grown now and I don't have to eat vacuole, whatever that is. I just caught up reading your blog from the 19th of July. You have been a busy girl. Tom and I went to New York a few years ago, but he would NOT go into New York City, so I missed all that hoopla. I was so aggravated about it, but maybe one day I'll go back. I am glad you and your girls got the opportunity and enjoyed it. And how is Jolie?

Laurie said...

I'd have loved to make an edible cell in MY biology classes this past year! Instead, we just had to memorize where all the boring parts were and then regurgitate it back on a test. NOT. FUN.

John M's going to be three? Where does the time go??? I love that picture on your earlier post!!

Martie said...

ummmm...okay, I'm was NOT my best and/or favorite class in school! You eat it and let me know how it was, K?

laura capello said...

mmmmmmmmmmmmm... TASTY.

Cheryl Wray said...

Isn't it funny the stuff they came up with? I loved the cell we made from a jello mold last year!! lol
the sad part is...a lot of the stuff that the girls come home and need help with, I have completely forgotten from school. I am NO help with math!!! (thank goodness my dh is a math whiz!!)

Anne said...

I LOVE mitochondria!! Oh hell, I love all the biology terms.