Thursday, July 05, 2007

Behind the bush

My boy loves to pee outside.

I'm at fault in a big way here because, hey, it's easy. So I let him do it when we're home. Often.

So, now, even if we're indoors, he'll say 'I have to pee-pee' and then start to head outside, as if the toilet's on the back porch. I have to remind him that we do have indoor plumbing, and then he's all dismayed that he has to actually pee in the bathroom.

Have y'all had this problem with your boys? Or is it just me because I'm lazy and live way out in the country? How can I make peeing in the potty more fun?
(...he does like to pee on leaves and dirt and such, maybe I can throw some foliage in the toilet and that'll be encouraging. I'm kidding).


Anonymous said...

That is so funny and I am sitting here thinking....look what I have to look forward to with a little boy now! However, let me tell you...I must admit little girls are the same way...the other day one of them asked me...Mama, can I go over by the fence and tinkle and then rinse off with the hose before I get back in the pool? I didn't know what to say...I wasn't expecting that!
Have a great night and thanks for sharing the funny story!

Teri said...

heather, we used to do this same exact thing when I was a kid back in the 70's. If we were in the pool, we got out, ran the hose over us and peed. It was way too much trouble and messy to go into the house to the bathroom.

Sarah said...

Oh, that is funny! Sad to say, I have all girls. It just wouldn't be appropriate to let them squat outside!

Anonymous said...

Wish I could help, but my boy still pees sitting down ~ LOL!

Maybe get some fruit loops and have him aim at those in the potty ... that might making peeing in the toilet more appealing!

Lisa M. said...

One time my sister's son, started peeing on a tree in the middle of a park full of people. My sister, very loudly turned to me and said, "Lis, would you take care of YOUR SON."

I could have hurt her-


It's oh so natural!

Martie said...

I think it's just something boys do....whether or not they have been taught to pee outside....seems to come pretty natural to them. My boys are all grown and when they visit me I know they still pee outside (we live in a rural area too) instead of taking the time to come in to go! LOL

Greta Adams said...

mason would rather whip it out outside too.....


BlondeMomBlog (Jamie) said...


Well I let Miss C pee outside today but we were having a picnic by a creek and there was no toilet nearby! ;)

hollibobolli said...

Well, it's better than still wanting to pee in a diaper. I'd take it. I would. I'd take anything - on the freaking floor would work. I've actually tried that tactic with absolutely no success. sigh.

Anonymous said...

I still do it! lol

MarkD60 said...

When I was little, I got in big trouble for peeing on the neighbors porch.

kristi said...

Our old neighbor's son did the same thing!

Mary Tsao said...

I'm sorry we ever let our kids do this. Mainly because the other day, DD went out and did a #2 outside. Yuck!!! Now we're trying to re-train them with the idea that peeing outside is not okay for girls or boys.

Of course, in a pinch I've pulled over and had the boy pee in the gutter before. Lovely.

chesneygirl said...

I have friends that have potty trained their boys by letting them go outside.

I've tried it with Adam and he refuses to do it. My mother-in-law has tried to get him to do it too and he won't have anything to do with it. *shrug*

I've been told, by many people, to try putting cheerios in the toilet!

Mel said...

Am hearing that it is gonna be WAY different for me when my boy needs to the used to my girls ...they were a breeze! Am thinking, let the guys pee in the garden! Path of least resistance is my middle name!

Anne said...

um both my girls like to pee outside too. Our backyard with the blowup swimming pool is like another lavatory.

Drywall Mom said...

My mom said she had the same problem with my brother. Apparently he started potty training him when they were on vacation camping. When they got home from vacation, he continued to pee outside, driving my mom ensane. She pretty much had to make him stop peeing outside so that he would pee inside.

PetiteMommy said...

My 3 year old still does this and sometimes in the middle of the night when he has to pee, he goes to the back door. LOL.

Anonymous said...

It is just something guys love to do

No aiming needed and you can make a large arch of urine while you pee

I love it & have peed outside since I was 12 years old & I am 53 today

I will never pee inside, when I can pee outside

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
It is just something guys love to do

No aiming needed and you can make a large arch of urine while you pee

I love it & have peed outside since I was 12 years old & I am 53 today

I will never pee inside, when I can pee outside

I agree with him, it is something guys love to do and guess what, I do it all the time, you feel more free peeing outside than inside. I wouldn't worry about it, look up some polls on and you will see how many young boys do it and that it's pretty normal for kids too.

Anonymous said...

It has been awhile since I posted, but all guys pee outside. They may say they don't, but it is not true. We all love watching thay yellow arch of urine flowing into the grass or bushes or trees outside. I pee outside as much as I can & hope the neighbors get a thrill.