Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Anna is off to 'sleep-away' camp for the week. This is the first time she's ever done that, and if you've kept up with my blog for a while, you know this is a big deal.
She is my queen worrier and projector-of-all-that-can-go-wrong-scenarios. She cried as she boarded the bus, but I really have this great feeling that she will be okay.

So far, I am too. Just doing a lot of praying that all will go well. Blogger will absolutely not let me put a 'Title' in, so be it. Weird-ass-Blogger.


beki said...

Oh wow, what a big step for her! I'm sure she is having a BLAST right now ;-)

Martie said...

A very hard place for a mom to be in......but I am sure she is doing fine!

Blogger has been extra weird lately!


chesneygirl said...

Well good for her!!! I hope she has a ball!!

It sounds like she's alot like I was when I was kid. I never went away to camp because of it.

Greta Adams said...

oh hell i couldn't wait to leave and go off away from the "uncool" parents...lol

she'll be fine and prolly want to do it again

hollibobolli said...

Oh how I loathed camp - because of the bugs. But every single one of my other friends LOVED it - I bet she'll wish it never ended when it's just about over.

I'll pray with you - loving camp can be such a great thing!!


Sarah said...

Oh Man....I would be a nervous wreck!

Anne said...

yay! Have a great time girl!!

mamatulip said...

I hope she has a great time!

Heather said...

She'll probably love it. What great memories.

Anonymous said...

I hated my sleepover camp, but then again, I was a wimp as a kid!

Mary Tsao said...

She might not have fun at first, but by the end I'm sure she won't want to come home!

BlondeMomBlog (Jamie) said...

I hope she is doing just great!!!

laura capello said...

(for starters i don't have your email address, you can have a few button magnets reguardless -- but no, sorry. 10 comments doesn't equal ten chances) :-)