Friday, January 19, 2007

Rain, Rain, go away

I'm posting this picture because I'm sick and tired of cold and rain. The weather has been drear-y, with a capital DREAR lately and I really don't like it. So, here's Anna about 4 years ago on the sunny beaches of Florida. Eating her Happy Meal that the seagulls stole soon after, when we abandoned our mat to go pee. Damn gulls.

I've been busy lately, apparently too busy to post regularly. I could kick myself when I do that. The kids say things on a regular basis that I want to capture, but I forget. And those things soon fly out of my head and are gone forever. I've been wracking my brain trying to think of what Emma said last night that me fall out laughing. And I can't, for the life of me, remember. I need a memory chip installed in my brain, that I can take out and plug in to my PC.

So, latest news:

John M. had his first dentist visit yesterday because of his 'dead' blue tooth. Turns out, it's infected so he'll be on an antibiotic for the next 10 days.

Anna and Emma have kicked in full-speed with basketball games.

My house has decided it wants to fall apart and I hope the money fairy drops a load of cash down, so we can fix even a portion of it.

Mark bought a new tractor and I think it may be sexy. Thanks, Kenny.

Peace Out.


chesneygirl said...

"If it runs like a Deere her eyes light up" :)

MarkD60 said...

I hate the dreary weather too.
A tractor?
After the cash ferry stops by and unloads half it's load there, send it here to drop off the other half.
(I think you mean fairy, but I think a ferry can carry more cash than a fairy, so I'm going with it!!!)

beki said...

I'm with ya on the weather. This SUCKS!! Please send that money fairy over to my place when you're done with her, k?

^starshine said...

Ugh, taking little ones to the dentist is not fun. Mom Junior has a dead tooth, I can't wait for that sucker to fall out...

Mrs. Flinger said...

I love the idea of posting a sunny picture. I think I'll change my desktop to something tropical.

And tractor, raur.

Unknown said...

I'm not a fan for rainy cold weather either, I don't miss that about BC! Do you get to drive the tractor???? That would be fun!

Anonymous said...

I am so with you on the weather. Where the hell is the sun?!

Forget the money fairy, just plant a money tree =)

Martie said...

That pic makes me wish I were anywhere where it was's 25 degrees and snowing outside right now!

Hugs and sending warm thoughts your way!

Anonymous said...

I hope the money fairy comes and when she does please send her to my house too.

Mise en Place said...

Please, things fly out of my head the moment they enter it. What is THAT?! If you find a place that does the chip installation let me know! I have a day runner but I either don't LOOK in it or don't have it with me......Go figure!

Anonymous said...

Mmmmmmmmm, Happy Meal!