Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Thoughts at 11:11pm on a Monday

1.) A little bit of Putt-Putt never hurt nothin'.

2.) I need to go to sleep or I'll never get up at the butt-crack of dawn for work.

3.) I really should go and blow-dry my hair or my new short 'do is gonna look really Maw-Maw in the morning.

4.) Dee-Dee, can you stop the howling? I mean, really.

5.) What am I going to get everyone for Christmas?

6.) Should I go in the pantry and scout something out for a midnight snack?

7.) I wonder why I can't lose any weight...

8.) This 'office' (read: room full of junk) looks a lot better in the pitch dark.

9.) How'd it get to be almost November already?

10.) I need to go buy that Kenny Chesney CD ...

Good night.


Cheryl Wray said...

This is so fun. I love your thoughts!!

MarkD60 said...

Funny, I was thinking about starting myXmas gift list today!

chesneygirl said...

Yes, you need to buy Kenny's new CD and I need to see pictures of this new 'do'! :)

Anonymous said...

Like Letterman's Top 10!

MarkD60 said...

Happy Halloween!
I'll be back looking for some pics of spooky kids!

Anonymous said...

Hey, that number three on your list
insulted all grannys, especially the ones called Maw Maw. Let's be politically correct, and not demonstrate any advanced age (old people)prejudice.

Maw Maw 8020

Martie said...

Just lurking.........will be back when I have the time!


4evergapeach said...

Amazing what we think about late at night. Can't believe Christmas is just around the corner...AGHHH!