1.) A little bit of Putt-Putt never hurt nothin'.
2.) I need to go to sleep or I'll never get up at the butt-crack of dawn for work.
3.) I really should go and blow-dry my hair or my new short 'do is gonna look really Maw-Maw in the morning.
4.) Dee-Dee, can you stop the howling? I mean, really.
5.) What am I going to get everyone for Christmas?
6.) Should I go in the pantry and scout something out for a midnight snack?
7.) I wonder why I can't lose any weight...
8.) This 'office' (read: room full of junk) looks a lot better in the pitch dark.
9.) How'd it get to be almost November already?
10.) I need to go buy that Kenny Chesney CD ...
Good night.