Monday, June 11, 2007

Animal Planet Expo

We took the kids to the Animal Planet Expo in Baton Rouge yesterday. It was H.O.T. I think the heat index was about 160. Okay, I'm exagerating a little, but still it was steamy.
We had a good time though and even got pictures with the Irwin girls! What do you mean, those look fake?! No way.


Greta Adams said...

lol....yes it was not envy you this time..

DebbieDoesLife said...

That's funny! The cut outs of the Irwin girls seem out of proporation or your family is extremely teensy.

Lisa M. said...

Um is that real/


chesneygirl said...

What fun!!!

I love it HOT!

I don't think it looks fake, if you hadn't said anything I would have believed you!

Anne said...

once again, I LOVE your family pictures! How awesome is it that your husband cooperates! (Mine usually refuses) and my lord...those snakes are beautiful! That crazy yellow one...why would it need coloring like this unless it lived amongst the banana trees?!

Mise en Place said...

Man, 160? Now THAT is not only hot, it's FREAKIN' hot, lol!!

Cool pictures.

BlondeMomBlog (Jamie) said...

Never mind the snake...those cutout things are kind of creepy...! Looks like fun, though, despite the cutouts of the girls. At least they were wax statues...wait a minute....they would have been MELTING!

Martie said...

A little too hot for my liking...and I'm sure it felt like 160ยบ.


Mel said...

How cool, we get The Croc Hunter here in South Africa and my gals (6,3) love it.My eldest was devastated when she heard about Steve. ugh, hate the snake thang tho. Euuww.
Melody Five-Browns