Tuesday, April 17, 2007

John M's rendition of his ABC's - 30 months

View this montage created at One True Media
My Montage


Greta Adams said...

it wouldn't work for me so i will try again when i get home tonight

Anonymous said...

So very cute!

4evergapeach said...

That was absolutely precious! Thanks for sharing.

Tiffany said...

So adorable. The video gives you a different angle versus the pictures; it was nice! He really got going on the letter "H" and on!

Anonymous said...

Awwwwwwwww. I cant wait!

Martie said...

How cute is that?!!! Drew can say his ABC's too, but gets confused on occasion and starts counting to 10 instead! Too much processing going on in his little computer I guess! LOL

MarkD60 said...

Most Excellent!
Warm fuzzies for sure!

chesneygirl said...

This is SO adorable!! I LOVE it!!

He's one up on Adam...he tries but still struggles with it...but he can count to twenty!!

Mary Tsao said...

He's going to love it when you show that to his girlfriends! (I'm assuming he'll have many, he's so cute!)

Chantal said...

OMG! So adorable!

Anonymous said...

How adorable! I love the video and the sweet big sister in the background. Just precious!!!

Beth said...

Awww...that was so good. He is so sweet.