Yes, I still do have this blog. I'm just very neglectful lately. Work has been one busy place, and home life isn't so slow either. Can you believe my oldest will be 13 in 10 short days? Shit, how did that happen?
Thought I'd be thankful for today. I had a holiday for Veteran's Day today and had a nice day off.
Today, I'm thankful for . . .
1.) A beautiful Veteran's Day mass today at Emma's school. 'Paw-Paw' came to represent the Air Force.
2.) Having a John M. day because he was the only one home with me.
3.) Seeing Madagascar 2 with above boy.
4.) My mom for always being there for me.
5.) My sister; we definitely had ups and downs and now I feel like we're on an 'up'.
6.) Mark helping around the house consistently for the first time like . . . ever.
7.) Anna and Emma spending time with their little brother and liking it.
8.) Pecan season
9.) Warm afternoons
10.) Holidays!
Hope you're having a good fall.