Friday, May 18, 2007

Flat Busted

Okay, the title could be taken a couple of ways. And today, I meet both of the criteria.

The first way is obvious. Duh.

The second way is because of an expensive past couple of weeks. Can I vent? Here I go.

Our first major expense came two weeks ago when our dog, DeeDee (remember her?) was hit by a car and broke her leg. She's been at the vet ever since. She's doing better and hopefully will recover fully, but I don't want to see the bill. They estimated $600-700 for 1 week and she's been there 2.

Then, came our new house payment book, that we received in the mail this week. Our note had gone up $115/month. WTF? The majority of it being miscalculated escrow. We could reduce the amount by about $75/month by paying close to 900 bucks. So we did.

Then, yesterday, our A/C stopped working. Long story short, 1600 bucks. We are officially flat-busted, in every sense of the word.

I'm rethinking vacation. Sigh.

But, as my friend, Krystal, put it yesterday, 'Look at it this way, at least you can afford to pay for these things and don't have to do without'. True. Way to look on the brighter side. I need to do that more often.

(Reminds me of my friend, Jolie's story of her cat, 'Tripod'. Somehow her cat hurt his leg, and they took it to the vet for the diagnosis. The vet said it would be hard to save the leg and quoted some enormous price for it, like over 1000 dollars. Her boyfriend came back with, 'So, how much for a three-legged cat?' And that's how Tripod came to be named.).

I never did post a picture of Anna in her glasses so I finally am getting around to it. And a couple of the other 2 for good measure.

Hope y'all have a good weekend.

Oh, by the way, my house is infested with fleas. We're on our second round of flea-bombing today. I've had a great week, can you tell?


Anne said...

moneymoneymoneymoneymoney. It always seems like once you start having to pay out the yinyang for one thing, 3 or more other costly things pop up as well. Ouch onthe a/c but at least you won't have to worry about it for awhile now. We had to replace ours a few years back too. And those glasses? Cute!! ya'll have a good weekend!!

MarkD60 said...

Yeah, but look at those pics of those kids! doesn't that make all your problems go away?

DebbieDoesLife said...

The minute you get ahead the car breaks down, the dog breaks his leg etc etc. I know the feeling.

Hey send me your address so I can mail your CD!

Carrie Guevara said...


BlondeMomBlog (Jamie) said...

We always have something go belly up during tax refund time. It's a family tradition. It sucks.

Anonymous said...

Money is the root of all evil. Doesn't it suck? UGH!

Anna is so cute in her specs =)

Laurie said...

Sorry to hear about all the crappy stuff that's happened! And the air conditioner? RIGHT NOW? Ew.

Great pictures. Your kids are just awesome.

beki said...

Sometimes life just suck, but it could always be worse.

chesneygirl said...

Have you ever heard the theory that bad things happen in 3's?... so at least you got all 3 out of the way and you can rest easy (ha!) knowing nothing else can go wrong now. Right?

I know, I'm really pushing it aren't I?

But the pictures are adorable... and Anna looks VERY grown up in glasses!

Martie said...

Anna is too grown up looking in glasses.....she looked old enough before!!!

I hate when everything goes wrong at the same time....hope you get that flea problem taken care of...that's probably driving you nuts, huh?


Greta Adams said...

oh girl..i am sorry to hear about all your going wrongs...BUT the story of Tripod just cracked my ass up....

she looks fabulous in those sassy glasses

DebbieDoesLife said...

Still waiting for your address...

DebbieDoesLife said...

hollibobolli said...

I agree.. if you're able to look at it as though you're able to pay for those things, rather than having to do without (just think if you had to put your family pet to sleep because of money.. a lot of people do) then you'll be better off. But that's how financial things seem to happen - all at once.

The three pics at the bottom make up for a lot.

I heart the glasses. I had to wear glasses my entire school career.. so I love little girls in glasses. I think they are sooo cute.

LLA said...

Oh ugh - why does it seem like all this stuff comes in big bunches...

Sorry for all the little losses - so frustrating!