I don't like change, have I mentioned that?
Changes are coming though. Mark starts a new job Monday. After being at the same
company for over 11 years. And the job is 90 miles away, one way.
He traded in his gas-guzzling Chevy Silverado for a Corolla. He's not thrilled about that.
But 39 miles/gallon is a lot better than 18.
Wish us luck. Hopefully this new chapter will be a good one.
It must be for something ALOT better....cause there are VERY FEW things that my husband would EVER trade in his full size truck in for a itty bitty Toyota!
90 miles?!? holy moly!!
I drive 45 mile one way and it's not fun. But yet, I've been doing it for 12.5 years.
GOOD LUCK!!! I hope everything works out and goes smoothly :)
lol...he now has a baby car...that's ok so do I...I get 45 miles in my hybrid...i love it ....wouldn't go back to a gas guzzler....
glad all is well with ya'll
OK, the 180 miles round trip would not thrill me at all, thank goodness for the Corolla, lol!
Good luck. I'm sure this will prove to be a great chapter.
I hope his new job turns out well. I know how hard it is to change after you've become comfortable somewhere for so long. I bet that drive will be the hardest change of all!!
Good luck!!!! I know everything will be great!!
Good Luck! I would suggest some good books on tape (or cd) for the commute.
Good luck! Change can be hard, especially when he's been at the other job for so long.
My gosh, that commute - that will be worst of it. Yikes! Good luck to all of you!
OH MY GOD, 90 miles one way??? he's gonna spend all his time on the road and not with the family.
Best of luck to Mark. Tell him he can always stop by if ne needs a break half way through the commute ;-)
When I first started working out of college I commuted about 40 miles one way but then I ended up moving to "the big city" of Nashville from the boonies. And now we're in the suburbs and we want to move back out again (but not that far out). :)
Good luck to Mark on his big career move!
Change is always hard and scary! Maybe the added miles to the commute will be a good unwind from the day drive and he will arrive home in such a great mood or just the opposite from dealing with the bad drivers! ;) I'm sure it will all work out! Hugs, but let us know how it's going, k?
Sand In My Shoes traded her truck in for a little car too! What's going on!
Change makes us stronger. I don't like change either.
Good luck with everything.
Hey, we have to do what it takes for what we want. Good luck.
Good luck in the new job and in the commute! You're hubby will have to get some good books on tape (CD) to keep him mind occupied. :-)
It'll be otay! I promise.
I hope it works out for him.
Audio books??? That would help pass the time.
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