Thursday, October 19, 2006

I'm Hangin' Up Now

Do you ever hang up on people? Isn't that such a rude thing to do?

I do it all too often.

Take this morning, for instance. I was on the phone with a customer service rep from Visa. He was actually the original rep's supervisor. I had requested him because the first rep appeared to be not the sharpest Crayon in the box. He repeated that my problem was 'unfornuate' about 12 times in a 2 minute span.

The supervisor comes on and pretty much echos what Moron #1 had told me and apologizes for the 'unfortunate' situation. That word must be in the Visa training manual. "Use the word 'unfortunate' and the customer will feel that you sympathize with them." Not this customer. I was just pissed.

I was so frustrated after a while. There were long moments of silence on the other end of the phone after my comments to him, where he just said nothing and I was wondering if he went out for pizza or something. So I just hung up.

I used to feel guilty doing this, but not so much anymore. Like when I receive really bad 'customer service' or when salespeople call and won't take one 'no', but have to wait for you to turn them down 3 or more times.

Rude? Maybe, but so be it. Unfortunate, isn't it?

So, are you a hanger upper?


Teri said...

I'm starting to be one because of your exact comments. I find it extremely rude of them to do what they do. I can't hang up on friends and family but the other folks, I have no problem with.

hollibobolli said...

I usually say goodbye before I hang up - does that count? I have several people in my life that aren't being rude, they just hang up when the conversation is over.. which I used to comment only happened on tv or in movies. It drives me nutty!!

Laurie said...

I am a hanger upper, and I'm proud of it! I always say goodbye to those important enough to tell it to, but if someone really is pissing me off (like a stupid Visa rep), I hang up. It's better that way, because I might say something nasty otherwise.

Lisa M. said...

I am indeed a hanger upper!

With out question, and I am also a letter writer.

I write good and bad letters about customer service. I can't' STAND rude behavior from sales people.

Good for you, for hangin up! Ugg credit card people are the WORST

Martie said...

No, Lisa M., the worst are those telemarketers who call on a cell phone. This happened to me and when I told her it was a cell phone she said in a very rude manner "I know it's a cell phone!" So I then told her that I had to pay for the minutes I use on this said cell phone and unless she wants to pay for them, she had better hang up. She didn't, so I DID! Yep, I'm a hanger upper too! But only to those rude a$$holes!

Krisco said...

I usually give some kind of warning, and pretend to listen as I lower the handset to the base, or hold it away and click it off.

Good for you.

(sorry for the unfortunate situation! : )

chesneygirl said...

Oh Yes I AM!!!
....and I don't think it's unfortunate either. ;)

Anonymous said...

Yes I do! But only ones who deserve a good phone slam to the ear. I don't know if it really bothers them. But, I feel better after... That's all that matters, right? LOL

Carrie said...

You betcha! But that's mainly because I can't stand pushy people and I always seem to pick up when some loser is trying to sell me something, even though I'm on the do-not-call list. I've also noticed that as the years go by, my patience has been greatly reduced in tolerating idiocy. Can't wait to see where I am 20 years from now, LOL!

Good for you!

Anonymous said...

I'm definately a hanger upper! One time I hung up on the bank and they rang me back, my flatmate answered and said 'I really don't think she wants to talk to you right now!' and hung up, hehehe!

I hate how you ask for the supervisor, and then they say the same thing. Whenever I've been working under a supervisor and a customer has got pissed (they are in the wrong of course!) the supervisor has ALWAYS come over and totally undermined me and given the customer exactly what they want. That's how come I get so pissed when it doesn't work in my favour when it's my turn! (and I'm in the right of course :P)

Linked from your comment at Vee's blog :)

Unknown said...

I hang up often - I have worked in customer service since I was 13, I have zero patience for people who do it poorly!! :-) I've had issues lately with Capital One Mastercard - apparently no humans actually work there though so I have no one to hang up on... I'm back from holiday tonight then I'll be spending the next couple weeks getting updated on my blogging peps - talk to you soon!

Anonymous said...

It took me years to be a hanger-upper, but now I do it without any guilt feelings, whatsoever. Those Visa idiots deserved a good ole' raspberry before the final click.
Love, Maw-Maw

DebbieDoesLife said...

I have no problem hanging up OR not answering a call that says Unknown Name, Unknown Number.

That's mighty unfortunate for the sales person I guess.

Beth said...

Have done that a few times if I was really frustrated. I try not to though cause then I feel bad later.

MarkD60 said...

I'll hang up if I'm on hold very long. and my philosophy is that my phone is my tool for me to use as I want. It's not a leash someone else has around my neck. I don't feel like I HAVE to answer when anybody or everybody calls.

Cindy N. said...

Definitely a hanger upper! You KNOW me!

^starshine said...

I always think to myself "What part of NO don't you understand?" and then hang up. :)

Mary Tsao said...

I was a phone canvasser for a nonprofit group one summer during college so for the longest time, I was "sensitive" to people who worked phone for a living.

Not anymore. Now, I just interrupt whomever it is (telemarketers) with a polite, "No, thank you," and then I hang up immediately.

Good for you! Life's too short.

Mrs. Flinger said...

Usually on someone pestering me or trying to sell something. Yes. Yes, I'd have to say a lot, actually.

Stupid new number.

Anonymous said...

I ran across your blog because of a recommendation from a friend. You are too funny! I have been sitting here reading and rolling laughing! Thanks for posting such funny stories and making interesting reading for us all. You can bet I will be a regular visitor! Have a great evening!


Melzie said...

Oh gosh yes! I figure it's better than the alternative. My family has gotten use to it- even though my husband hasn't. He still calls back- and when I don't answer leaves a horrifically long voice mail. If I hang up- trust me, you don't want to call me back. :)

Nicki said...

Yes, I'm a hanger upper.